About Pastor Trey Harris

TR Harris Life Coach Killeen

Explore Transformative Virtual Christian Life Coaching with Pastor Trey Harris

Step into the remarkable narrative of Senior Pastor Trey Harris, a devout servant of God whose life’s journey epitomizes the profound impact of divine calling and unwavering honesty.


An Early and Everlasting Gospel Vocation


From an early age, Pastor Trey Harris felt the reverberations of God’s summon deep within his soul. This powerful conviction led him to embrace a life devoted to sharing the gospel. His youthful enthusiasm transformed into unwavering dedication, shaping his spiritual voyage.


Diverse Ministry Roles: Shepherd, Evangelist, and Preacher


Pastor Harris embodies a versatile ministry, blessed with an array of gifts. Functioning as a Shepherd, he tenderly guides his flock, embodying the essence of a compassionate guardian. His Evangelical gift empowers him to extend the message of salvation to those who seek spiritual nourishment. As a Teacher/Preacher, he skillfully imparts God’s teachings, bridging the gap between curiosity and deep-seated devotion.


Answering the Call of Apostleship


Pastor Trey Harris has embraced an Apostolic Calling, a divine directive that propels him to transcend conventional boundaries of faith. This sacred calling empowers him to unite believers from diverse walks of life, fostering unity and compassion. Through his apostolic mission, he extends God’s grace to souls in need, embodying the boundless reach of divine love.


Forged in Integrity and Deep Faith


The cornerstone of Pastor Trey Harris’ character is unwavering integrity. His life serves as a living testament to the alignment of convictions and actions, illuminating a world too often shrouded in shadows. His steadfast commitment to faith, truth, and love serves as an inspiring example for all, demonstrating the potency of righteous living.


Igniting Hearts and Minds with the Light of God’s Word


As the Spiritual Leader of our community, Pastor Trey Harris ignites hearts and minds with the brilliance of God’s Word. His life’s narrative testifies to the transformative potential of yielding to God’s divine purpose. Through his journey, we discover motivation to embrace our distinct callings and pursue our destinies with fervor.

Christian Life Coach Services
Youth Mentoring (12-17)
Propelling Positivity and Achievements:
Life Goals
Christian Growth
Relationship Building
Hourly Sessions- $50.00
6-Months- $1,000.00
12-Months- $1,500.00
Propelling Christians into Excellency through biblical principles:
Christian Singles Growth
Marriage Growth
Career Building
Ministry Callings
Financial Success
Hourly Sessions-$75.00
6 Months -$1,000.00
12 Months-$1,500.00
Propelling Christians into Business Excellency through biblical principles:
Goal Setting and Achievement
Christian Business Operations
Ministry and Pastoral
Organizational Management
Hourly Sessions-$150.00 Per Hour
6 Months- $1,500.00

12 Months-$3,000,00

Christian Life Coach Certification

The only things you cannot do are the things you do not believe you can do. Believe in you and Invest in you to be the best you!. -The Coach Trey Harris-

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